I can already see an improvement in the Bell's Palsy (silver bells as Debra calls it) recovery. Well,................yesterday was a very eventful day!! I was sitting right here when I could see a truck pull into my drive. I am the only person in my family with a truck that was that size and I knew it was in the garage. I thought about not answering the door, but then ............. the dog was going crazy and I opened the door a little and my husband was standing there (smeared with blood on his forehead and ear) and said "I ha

d an accident, are you going to let me in?" Some angel of mercy brought him home to me. Larry was driving along on a long stretch of road and a black plastic bag hit the passenger side of the windshield and it startled him enough to try and swerve left and lost control of the car. It flipped over and landed on the roof and hood. He had to crawl out the driver window that had shattered. Hince the blood smears. He cut his knee about 1/2 " and had pinhole cuts on his hands from crawling through the glass in the frozen snow/ice. The angel (Steven Knieper who works for IPL here in Indiana) was very glad to see Larry crawling out of the car. He said he was afraid of what he was going to find. Well, we call the sherriff's office and they said they were already there with the car and could he come back? And we said yes, so I hurriedly dressed and drove him back. When I saw his car with all 4 wheels sticking up I started crying. I know that God had to have Larry in His hand to let him walk away from that horrible mess. It truly was out in the middle of nowhere. The ambulance checked him out and was impressed. Normal bp and only the cut on his knee. The blood from his face and ear were from all the little pinholes on his hands. We came home and while I fixed him a large breakfast, he called the insurance people with all the details. When we sat down to eat we praised God for mercy and thanksgiving.
We spent the rest of the day together, going to the Dairy Queen, library, and church for a chili dinner and our granddaughters went caroling with the rest of the church while a few of us stayed and cleaned up. God is so merciful and good.
Of course now he is driving my truck (Explorer) and I am here without transportation. But that's O.K. because, by God's mercy we had this extra vehicle. By the way, we are two people who can attest to the advisability of wearing seat belts. PLEASE!!!! May your day be as blessed as ours.