Here is Darby, earlier this year.
Dear Friends and Family,
Last night Darby went to be with the Lord. Her brain could no longer handle everything. This morning we turned off the last of the machines that were keeping her alive.
Thank you for all the love and support you have shared with us. Our God is in control of all things even in death.
We love you. God Bless, Dawn (Darby's mommy)

I truly believe that God gave that family an extra measure of grace. I have been blessed to see the work He has done in their family.
I am adding on 11-27-06 what was printed in the Reporter-Times Newspaper....
Darby Elliott, 9Nov. 15, 2006
Tuesday November 21, 2006
The funeral service for Darby Katelyn "Princess Darby" Elliott was 11 a.m. Monday at Eastview Christian Church in Martinsville. The Rev. Norman Ward and Kathy Forgeng officiated. The committal at graveside was done by Rev. Rick Miller.
Elliott, 9, Martinsville, died Nov. 15, 2006, at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis.
Her aunt Debbie Costin gave the eulogy as "Tea Party Celebration." Amy Beth Costin read "Darby's Book." Grandmother Joyce Elliott read "I Chose You, My Princess." A poem, "God's Child," written by Ellen Miller, was read by Kathy Forgeng. "Shooting Stars", Darby's interview for a Make-A-Wish Foundation commercial was played.
Sharyn Kersey was pianist. She played a special selection of Disney songs.
Another special selection played was "In His Time," pre-recorded by late "Papaw" Bill Elliott and aunt Debbie Costin.
Other musical selections were "Help You Find Your Wings," "In My Daughter's Eyes," "Fingerprints of God" and "Thank You for Giving to the Lord."
At the graveside the "Johnny Appleseed Song" was sung.
Burial was in Nebo Memorial Park in Martinsville.
Pallbearers were Rich, Reese, Josiah, Eli, Ezra and Robert Elliott, A.J. Costin and Jack Cooper.
Sam Hubbard was honorary pallbearer.
A pink and purple balloon release concluded the service at the cemetery.
After the service, family and friends shared a meal at Eastview Christian Church.
Costin Funeral Chapel was in charge of arrangements.