Sunday, December 30, 2007

hip, hip, hooray!!

well, i now have a new hip. at least on the left side. things are progressing nicely. i hope to soon be off the walker. although that seems like a long, long distant aspiration. I hope to never have to go through this again.

i am praying for rapture before the hip wears out or the need for a new right one occurs.

well, very tired tonite and no christmas pics to show. sooo. love to all


Thursday, December 13, 2007

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Above is the wedding pictures of my In-laws.We lost Herman about 7 years ago and we lost Larry's mom, Alice, on Wednesday the sixth. We flew down on Sunday and there was a very nice service at her church on Monday and we buried her on Tuesday. Alice was a peach of a mother in law. She never told me what to do. She would simply tell me what or how she would do something and then if I did it differently (badly) she never said I told you so. She was a grand lady. And she will be missed. She was 81 and ready to go home. It is so much easier to watch them go when you know that they are going to heaven.

Sherry and Bill, (sister and brother in law) made all the arrangements and did a wonderful job. It was a very touching and beautiful service. And the Auburndale Community Church did a fine job ministering to us. They prepared a funeral service fit for a queen. If you are in that area, please attend the services there.

I will be having hip surgery on the 20th. I can't wait. I have decided to go with the epidural because I get so sick after general anesthesia. With all the tests and such, this next week will fly by and it will be over before i know it. pray for a quick recovery

Just a little sad

We lost Larry's mom, Alice, on Wednesday the sixth. We flew down on Sunday and there was a very nice service at her church on Monday and we buried her on Tuesday. Alice was a peach of a mother in law. She never told me what to do. She would simply tell me what or how she would do something and then if I did it differently (badly) she never said I told you so. She was a grand lady. And she will be missed. She was 81 and ready to go home. It is so much easier to watch them go when you know that they are going to heaven.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

tomorrow is my little sisters b-day. is it possible that she is 48!!!??? that's just crazy talk!!


well, got my diagnosis, the old girl needs a new hip. drat!! went to a surgeon who said he would not operate on me because of my weight and because of being on remicade. remicade destroys my immune system making me vulnerable to infections. so...........i have decided to see another surgeon. if he says no also, i will accept it as God's will for my life for the time being. i refuse to let this get me down. maybe God is slowing me down for a reason. glenna <><


Saturday, September 15, 2007


well, i certainly have had my fill of doctor visits this week. no results yet of course. waiting, waiting, waiting...........

i was asked a weird question after my mri on my hips but i am not mentioning it yet until i get a diagnosis. it is all very nerve wracking. but larry is back home from conneticut sooo, i think i will feel a little better now. my energy level is so low. it is only 9 a.m. now and i am ready to kick back and knit a little and nap a little.

i have only been up for an hour. what a lazy girl!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hot Dogs!!

is this the cutest ever?? We used to have pugs and i couldn't resist.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Life is sooooo tough

to be 13 and bored beyond all reason
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new camera, even movin' pitchers!!
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Monday, July 09, 2007

Summer is half gone

Well, we finally bought a house. In Trafalgar. It's raglafart backwards. It is a nice little town not too far from anywhere you want to be. I have once again broken my camera. I cant believe it. After all the trouble of finding one exactly like the origianal on ebay. Well, what can ya do? When I can, I will buy a new one and put house pictures on. It is a nice house. It came handicapped accessible, which is a plus for me. I have missed blogging. Maybe I'll start on a more timely basis

Monday, May 28, 2007

It's been a long time

I can't believe how much has happened since I blogged last. My thumb is healed nicely. Although I haven't started knitting anything yet. We moved from our apartment on May 17th. so yarn and other stuff is still in boxes. I also have a new address for email: glennahenn at embarqmail dot com. So anyhooooo, I will try to blog a little more faithfully. But I did break my camera (the replacement one). Can you believe I did that???? well, it just shows to go ya.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Called and Saved Knitter

still not able to knit. very frustrating. i wore the thumb brace for a month and went back yesterday to dr. whittaker. he said i had 2 options, cortizone or a minor surgery. because i am very suseptible to infections for both, i chose the cortizone. It bruised my thumb around the injection shot and still need to wear the brace for a while. if it doesn't improve i will end up having surgery anyway. and they can't do the usually surgery where they go in and just release the ligament. because i have the r.a. in all my hand and wrist joints, i need the ligaments to support the joint. so....what they do is go in and remove the swollen tissue to make room for the ligament to move more freely. sure wish i had my sister in law to do the rehab. she is an occupational therapist and specializes in hands. i just may find it necessary to go to florida for therapy. heeheehee.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


My mom is having heart surgey today. the doctor is putting in a stint and maybe repairing a hole she has in her heart. the hole is a birth defect they found just a few years ago and mom has put off having fixed, because it was going to be a open chest surgery. but this doctor says that once he's in there, if he can reach it, he will repair it. my mom is in great health and is only a little nervous.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


very sporatic knitting going on here. my left thumb is popping in and out of the joint. its the kind of pain that sends cold chills up and down the old spine. ooowwwwiiiieee! and i have a cold and doubt that i will be able to receive my treatment on tuesday. here we go again...............and my hunny has been in conneticut since the 25th of january. hi hunny!!!! just in case you read this.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

School Daze

ages 12 , 10, and 6 time sure flies Posted by Picasa

How proud am I!!!

Morgan won a blue ribbon at I.S.S.M.A. She performed the theme song from "Batman the Movie" on her clarinet. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pbbbbbhhhhhhh (raspberry)

Oh well. We didn't get the house shown below. They took a higher bid. Imagine that. That's o.k.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

From the backside

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Larr is really wanting to buy another house. This is the one we are looking at right now
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

First knit item of 2007

I made a scarf for Janet, my sweet daughter in law Posted by Picasa

A pair for Shelby

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And finally

socks for Alex!! Posted by Picasa