Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I just realized that i didn't show a pic of Shelby. she is!

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Monday, December 08, 2008

Well, we got to go to Michigan for Alex's birthday. He is 7 years old.

They treated us to dinner at UNO'S and it was delish!

here is a picture of Alex.

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And here he is with his night vision goggles.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


well, my mom had surgery Thursday, and it turned into a total right shoulder replacement. will be spending lots of time with her. we thought it was going to be a repair. thats what she consented to. doctor came out and explained there wasnt enough for a repair so she could either come back for another surgery or we could sign for the replacement. i signed cause she has been in way too much pain already. no more waiting. she of course had to stay all nite. she came home late friday. and i will spend tonight.

my granddaughters are in the columbus indiana symphony orchestra and they have a performance on sunday night so i will get someone to sit with her then.

i will post a photo of her before surgery later.

Monday, November 17, 2008


for some reason, we have experienced several deaths of young people. some by accident, some by suicide, and also we know of 2 girls who are missing.

what has happened in our society that we dont know what is going on with our youths.

where has their hope gone? I cant imagine that these promising young people are living lives so hopeless that they cant face another day. Not thinking about the consequence of their actions. Because they are not here, it's not over for them. Where would they find themselves now?

have they begun to be eternally tormented, smelling nothing but fire and rot seeing things they cant even imagine. Never to be able to escape something they have initiated themselves?

or have they entered into an eternal peace. singing and praising a God who loves us and wants only to keep us for Himself? but who expects us to live in such a way as to give Him glory now, while we are among the living. not throwing our lives back into His face because we dont think it is good enough.

i am so sad, so sad....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

here are the sleeves of the third cardigan. As you can see it is much easier to find a starting spot on this yarn. but i am knitting the sleeves both at the same time because I need to keep an eye on my knitting tension. sometimes the hands aren't as strong as they could be.

I am also going to knit the fronts at the same time. I know they won't be exact in color shading. because they wont mirror. but it should be close. then i will make the back as close as possible.

this will probably be the last cardigan of this style that i make. unless I decide to make one for all my girlls. I would really have to work to make shelby one because she is so tiny. need to measure those children when i see them.

planning to go up the first weekend of December for sugar boys b-day. Woo Hooo!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What are you thankful for?

All done!
As you can see there is a dilemma in where to start with any certain shading. But I am happy with the outcome. May even wear it tonite at church. Larry had a lot of computer work to catch up on and listening to several sites. so I took all that quiet time and finished my sweater.

can you believe I have started a third. the thing is I bought this yarn and could never decide what to make of it. I did have to buy a second skein with the yellow but Larry found one (the last one) in the same JoAnn's. Whew!! wouldn't that break your heart to get all that work done and not have quite enough to finish? well pick up your pointy sticks and knit.

yesterday we finished watching the Inspector Lynley series. by the time we watched the final series (6) I began to like it. hahaha

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh man!

here's a preview of the blue sweater.I didn't like the way the right front was coming out kind of weird, so I frogged it. I rolled the yarn out until I thought it would match up with the left front and started again. It's ok though because I like the way it looks now. the fronts match each other and the sleeves match each other. just dont ask me to turn around. lol

I hope you like the new blog look. it was fun to pick out a new background. woohoo!

oh yes, today is my little sisters b-day
and her best friends b-day is saturday, making her three days younger as she is fond of reminding her

Monday, November 10, 2008


I am so tired. Larry has put in an enormous amount of hours this weekend. I am now scared for his health. He said he may be finished by the time i get out of bible study and we may go catch lunch together.

I have almost finished the blues sweater. the fronts don't match up as far as the stripping goes. I may not like it at all. but now i know how I will start the fronts and sleeves at the same place on the wine/camel one. It is a different type of stripping so it may be easier to match. I will post a pic once i get it finished.

And Mary, where are you??? Have you been under the weather?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

way early

Im going over to the Hobblits house this fine a.m. and yes its way early. i almost have the sleeve done for the sweater. this is one of those subtle stripe yarns and for some reason, the sleeves are turning out identical. wonder if I can do that for the right front? oh well, its just weird.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I finally finished the pale yellow sweater. I put the black shell under it for definition. It turned out pretty good. I am making one of varigated blues now.
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Monday, November 03, 2008


This is a reminder to every elegible voter. GO VOTE. This is still the greatest country in the world. Even if your candidate is not elected, God is still on His throne and no one is elected or rejected without His sovereign knowledge.
Romans 9:11 for though the twins were not yet born and not done anything good or bad, so that God's purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, and vs 21 Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable us and another for common use? And finally 2Chronicles 7:14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

well, I finished my pale yellow sweater but I haven't taken a picture yet. I have worn it several times and received several compliments. I am working on a new one since they are so easy and quick to knit up. the new one is in shades of blue. I wont be able to match up the color pattern because it is very subtle color changes. It should be very interesting looking.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

sweater time in indiana

I now have both sides sewn on at the shoulders and the band attached at the neck.
the weather is threatening rain and i wish it would just do it and blow away.

For all who know and love precept bible studies, we are in 2nd Timothy. For such a small letter it is packed with so much instruction, and warning for the church. Wow!

well, i guess i had better straighten the house and finish knitting the sleeves. I will post a pictur when it is finished.

by the by, see my beautiful new wood floor? I LOVE IT!!!but I do have to be careful to not slip on it. (wouldn't want to put my new hips out of whack!)

Have a blessed day

Tuesday, October 21, 2008




and Here are my guys.
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I haven't published photos of the girls in a while. Here they are!
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Have you ever seen hens and chickens do this. It is called a rooster or cock. When it blooms the whole plant kind of rots and dies. After they bloomed and started to die, I ripped them out of the cluster because I didn't want to take a chance that the whole cluster would die. Very interesting.
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I have had hens and chicks before but this never happened. wierd.

here is Monroe wearing his sister's bag that I knit for her. It kind of looks like a hat/backpack thing.
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Friday, October 17, 2008

it's way early

it is so early. i have got to quit staying up till 11:00 . hahahaha
nothing boring about me. Bree asked that I come over and watch mojo until 2 so she can run her yard/garage sale. hope she does well. if i get any pictures, i will post later. had a great bible study yesterday. "Living above stress and worry."

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sweater wear

Hey Mary!!
here is the sweater so far. around 7 inches or so. I haven't been knitting anything since you left i started on a shawl with this yarn but when i got my magazine and you said you were making the sweater, i decided to knit the same one. i had better get a move on. winter is creeping in like a lamb.

hope gary is well, as well as the other lesters.

larry and i are fine. work is dribbling in. i may soon be on a forced diet. hahahahaha

well, the Lord provides, as always. no frets.
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Thursday, October 09, 2008

here are my Michigan grandkids, Shelby and Alex last April
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

ok, i'm done

i got my total right hip replacement on july 22 of this year. 2 major surgeries done in 7 months. but im pretty sure im done. hope no more surgeries ever. still recovering, but doing well. i am going to try to post a little more often.